As an embedded advisor she led the design and implementation of the monitoring system for the UN Peacekeeping Mission in DR Congo (MONUSCO) Stabilisation portfolio, implemented a monitoring system for the European Union Trust Fund (EUTF) for migration across West Africa (5B investment), and led the design and implementation of the M&E system for the UK Multilateral Strategy (MuSt) portfolio. Her evaluation experience includes the assessment of fifteen stabilisation and CVE projects across Mali and Tunisia and evaluations of other stabilisation initiatives in Senegal and Niger.
Monica has extensive training and coaching expertise across a wide range of stakeholders. Recently, as M&E Advisor to the 4* Standing Force Headquarters in the UK, she trained military personnel in M&E techniques and led an evaluation of Operation Broadshare (the military contribution to the UK government response to COVID in the Caribbean.
Monica holds a Bachelor and a Masters (with honours) on Human Rights from the University of Padua (Italy).
Email : [email protected]